Objectives of a Web and Social Media Marketing Platform
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- PostedAugust 19, 2013
The overall objectives of a web and social media marketing software platform and services are;
Public relation, brand visibility and brand awareness – spread news and important information about your business, brand or products to a broad(er) audience who are likely to share it to their own networks. Brand consistency throughout your online web and social media presence.
Build meaningful relationships – web and social media marketing makes you accessible and approachable to a broad audience.
Other businesses and individuals will have the opportunity to get to “know” you.
Build customer loyalty – give customers a reason to interact with you and reward them for making you part of their social network through promotions or gifts.
Make your network feel valued and they will value you.
Establish trust – share valuable information with your network that shows you are knowledgeable in your field and people will seek more information from you.
Connect with industry influencers. Manage Your reputation – hear what people have to say about you and your business and more importantly, let people know they are heard Increase your search visibility – web and social media marketing plays a big role in the new generation search engine marketing activities.
Consistent and continuous social media marketing activities will enhance your visibility and keyword rankings in the major search engines.
A Three step approach;
Grow the Brand presence – through increase of web traffic, followers, likes, fans, blog posts, subscriptions, e-mail database etc.
Engagement of the brand audience through comments, shares, user generated content, promotions, gifts etc.
Monetization of fans – through qualified leads or sales through social media or through groups of interest
GROW THE BRAND; secure all your digital assets and create a brand consistency throughout. Create new compelling content or re-use existing compelling content throughout all your digital media. All your digital media assets will be interconnected and inter related to increase your online brand presence. It is recommended to engage in this grow the brand presence for a period of 6 months minimum. If your company is new to web marketing and social media marketing we recommend to extend this phase to one year . It will allow you and your staff to learn and engage with your customers and network in a gradual way, and it will allow you to build up your online brand and online reputation step by step. Like any marketing activity it takes time and effort to build your online brand.
ENGAGEMENT of YOUR BRAND AUDIENCE; Building up an online catalog for your products and services. An online catalog is less disruptive to your business then a complete E-commerce presence. Your product delivery model and logistics are not changing. Monthly Newsletters and targeted e-mail campaigns to your contact database Proactively monitor your brand and respond proactively to social media posts. Promotional campaigns with perks and gifts for people who share, like and follow you on social media. Expand your search engine visibility to 10 keywords. Youtube video account – add 1 video per month.
MONETIZATION of FANS; Your web and social media assets are now entering their second/third year of operation, you have build a wide network of Fans, Followers and you have a couple of brand advocates and industry leaders following you and your company. It is time to monetize these digital assets with a full E-commerce WebPresence and engage in social media buying. Building up a complete E-commerce presence. Your product delivery model and logistics will have to be adapted to your new online channel to market. Expand the activity on Pinterest and other social media buying sites, like the upcoming WANT Facebook button. Proactively monitor your brand and promote your online offering in social media sites.