"We enhance the online credibility of your business"

Effective Guide to Write Testable JavaScript

  • BySophia
  • PostedAugust 4, 2016

With the growth in technology, we have earned better options for unit testing JavaScript. Whether we are using Node paired with a test framework like Mocha or Jasmine, in a headless browser, we have a variety of options. However, it does not mean that the code which is tested is as easy on us as our tools are!

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UX Design Trends to Follow for Your Website

  • ByMarie Thomas
  • PostedJune 17, 2016

Web designing has been shifted to a new level in recent past. Web designing trends are changing rapidly. A website being designed today will follow a totally different trend than a website built a year ago. The web designing field has become more and more dynamic with the evolution of the internet. New design trends keep coming out of the box very frequently.

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How to create a mobile version of your website?

  • ByMary Scott
  • PostedMay 24, 2016

The mobile industry is expanding at lightning speed. In fact, new devices are being evolved every now and then. According to a study by Netmarketshare, the use of the operating system, iOS for Apple devices including iPad and iPhone, doubled in only 7-8 months. Moreover, more than 40% of Google search results now originate from smartphones and mobile devices.

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Post CMS Landscape

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedMarch 24, 2016

Over the years, we've tried everything from Wordpress, Drupal, Squarespace, custom development app and we came all the way back to a Static approach. There's been quite a groundswell of belief over the past couple of years, we've been doing it all wrong. We've been making servers do all sorts of stuff they shouldn't be doing.

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Who needs a Wordpress Site

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedFebruary 24, 2016

Until recently the answer to that question would have been almost everybody. Now the answer to that question is almost nobody. Why is that?

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Biggest eCommerce Trends To Stay Afloat in 2016

  • BySamuel Dawson
  • PostedJanuary 8, 2016

For the eCommerce industry, 2015 was a great year. E-commerce sales worldwide grew from $1.3 trillion in 2014 to $1.4 trillion in 2015. And, it is expected that retail commerce sales is going to be even better in 2016. In fact, according to an online report, “e-commerce sales will boost by 50 percent this year.”

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The Business Case for Static Websites

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedJanuary 6, 2016

The current web is a mess. Every week we go to Hackernews and follow a broken link. Not long ago 12 million Drupal sites were infected with malware. 79% of all Wordpress sites are vulnerable to known exploits.

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An Insight Into App Re-skinning

  • ByVictoria Brinsley
  • PostedDecember 12, 2015

You might have heard about the application re-skinning. App re-skinning is a beautiful art that helps drive a good profit as it reduces the development cost to just half while reducing the efforts to 50 percent. It is basically about completely revamping the visual appearance of an application without tinkering its code.

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Enabling A Powerful Strategy For Mobile Applications

  • ByRick Mobiers
  • PostedDecember 9, 2015

Well, we all are aware of the fact that there was a time when communicating with people at a long distance always ended depending mainly upon the telephonic sessions by accessing a proper location to access signals properly. But all these constaints have changed now since an advent of the new digitized age where high end computers and cellular phones are on the rise.

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Understanding The Importance Of Long Form Sales Page

  • BySophia Phillips
  • PostedNovember 2, 2015

Selling stuff online isn't an easy job. You need to invest a good amount of time, money and efforts into making your products and services reach a wider group of targeted audience. If you're thinking about selling something online, a well-defined, eye-catchy website should top your list of priorities.

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UX Principle: How to Design your Homepage for eCommerce site

  • ByAmanda Cline
  • PostedSeptember 15, 2015

Everything has a user-experience: may it be a drive in Porsche, may it be using iOS 9 on your iPhone, or may it be using a website. As a UX designer, the challenge you face is to provide the best UX and least hindrance as possible for the user. UX design (UXD) involves a lot of research to understand the user and how they behave on the website.

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Website Trends for 2016

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedSeptember 2, 2015

Trend 1: Unique Way of Using the Grid Curious Space’s website is a great example of adding a pinch of organic freedom to an ordered grid layout. You’ll quickly notice the photos of this website stacked on top of each other. Stacking them isn’t a problem, as when a user rolls over on an image, the Z-index of the selected image shifts, so it is pushed to the top of the pile of phot

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Benchmark for E-commerce success

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedMarch 31, 2015

People won’t buy from a site that they can’t trust. Plain and simple. When a website is devoid of accepted trust elements, you will have fewer converting customers.

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Is Responsive design the choice for E-commerce

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedFebruary 28, 2015

However, many e-commerce companies are still skeptical of responsive design as a solution to the multi-screen problem. They are concerned with how responsive design will affect the customer experience and overall website metrics.

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Digital Marketing Trends 2015 applied to Small Businesses

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedNovember 30, 2014

As Google continues to get better at connecting related search queries, long, in-depth content will become more of a trend. Educating the target audience will now become the top selling point of many brands from whatever industry they are in.

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Trends and Challenges of Inbound Marketing for Small Businesses

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedOctober 31, 2014

Each year Hubspot is coming out with a very valuable report on the trends of Inbound Marketing for the coming year. What are the trends and what are the challenges for the coming 12 months, especially for small and medium businesses. The trend is clear for any business - investments in inbound marketing activities should increase at the detriment of outbound marketing activities. The challenge is to turn inbound activities in to new sales and new revenue.

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How Responsive Web Design Works

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedSeptember 23, 2014

Responsive web design or website refers to a website that adapts to whatever device a visitor is using to view web content. Responsive designs allow for easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning and scrolling. Since more and more customers are accessing data from a tablet and smartphone it is THE WAY forward for any business.

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Web Design Trends for 2015

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedSeptember 22, 2014

Responsive web designs, flat and simple web designs, less clicking and more scrolling, typographical art, larger images and saying more with less are all trends that were there in 2014.

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Reasons to redesign your website into a responsive web design

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedSeptember 21, 2014

In the infographics that is in this blog you will discover the reasons why redesigning your website is essential for gaining more traffic for your site. The infographic is backed up by real data showing the potential increase in traffic from redesigning your current website.

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Increase sales with a responsive web design

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedSeptember 19, 2014

Luckily, there are a few relatively simple updates you can make to your website that can have a huge impact on customer attraction and retention, sales, revenue and long-term brand loyalty. These steps don't require hundreds of thousands of dollars in investment and can be implemented by small companies and multinational corporations alike.

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Cost of a responsive web design

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedSeptember 18, 2014

Responsive web design are the way to go for any company, big or small. The fact that you can operate your website from one single data source for viewing on desktops, tablets, smartphones and even TV's is extremely appealing, for sure if you are on a limited budget.

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How much does a responsive web design cost

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedSeptember 17, 2014

Responsive web design is rapidly gaining momentum, as more and more users are making use of smartphones and tablets to browse the web. People all over the globe are increasingly using mobile devices to make purchases, access website content, browse social networks and read news and sports.

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Benefits of Mobile Responsive Web Designs

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedSeptember 16, 2014

We all know that trends come and go throughout the years, especially in the ever-changing world of web design. But what separates a design that is trendy compared to a design that is useful?

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What is the cost of a responsive web design

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedSeptember 13, 2014

If the term “responsive web design” is new to you, don’t feel bad, I promise you’re in the majority. In about 20 seconds you’ll know what it is and be able to look smart by talking about responsive design at dinner parties.

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How to create a smashing Inbound Marketing Campaign

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedSeptember 12, 2014

In order to discover the content topics that capture the attention of your target audience, you should look at any past data that you have access to. For instance, what are the most popular blog articles you have published?

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The Aim Of A Web and Social Media Marketing Platform

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedSeptember 11, 2013

The overall objectives of a web and social networking software platform solutions are;Public Relation, item exposure and item awareness – spread news and relevant information about your organization, items(s) to a broader viewers who are eager to discuss it to their own branch networks. Brand reliability throughout your online web and social media presence.

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Website Trends for 2014

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedSeptember 11, 2013

Like fashion and technology, the styles of websites and blogs you see would also evolve and change. Below you will find a list of expected web design trends in approaching 2014.

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Pinterest Beats Yahoo Hits

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedSeptember 11, 2013

Yahoo’s glide tend to exist with the recent news that Pinterest is now sending more hits to publishers compared to organic seach results from Yahoo.

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Push and Distribute Content to Multiple Social Media Services

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedSeptember 9, 2013

Easily distribute messages from your web content management or from a single dashboard to all of your social networks, blogs and mailing lists with a single click. Choose whether to send now, schedule for later or automatically post from an RSS feed. Manage all your social media streams from one single inbox.

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Integration with Youtube

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedSeptember 7, 2013

Webfactories now provides you the ability to upload videos, respond to comments and retrieve and report on YouTube analytics. These functions are conveniently placed alongside many other facets of our Content Management System and our Social Media dashboard.

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Get your website updated for 2014

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedSeptember 3, 2013

With only a few weeks left in 2013, it’s time to start thinking about how your website can be better next year. We’ll outline here a number of recommendations that you can follow in order to start planning for your website’s 2014 facelift.

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Integration with Google+ and Instagram

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedSeptember 2, 2013

We are one of the first International companies to gain access to the Google + API. We are extremely excited to launch this in time for Christmas as it’s been a long time coming! Integration will enable you to post to Google + pages, respond to comments and access analytics and reporting.

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The objectives of Social Media Marketing

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedSeptember 1, 2013

The overall objectives of a web and social media marketing software platform and services are: Public relation, brand visibility and brand awareness – spread news and important information about your business, brand or products to a broad(er) audience who are likely to share it to their own networks.

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Grow your Brand with Webfactories

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedAugust 31, 2013

Grow your brand presence through Web, Mobile Web and Social Media Marketing Initiatives. If you want to grow the presence of your brand a minimum effort needs to be done to build a Rich Media Web, Mobile Web and Social Media account presence. Secure all your digital assets and create a brand consistency throughout. Create new compelling content or re-use existing compelling content throughout all your digital media. All your digital media assets should be interconnected and inter related to increase your online brand presence.

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Adaptive web design and Progressive Enhancement

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedAugust 30, 2013

IT'S ALL ABOUT THE USER, NOT THE BROWSER or THE TECHNOLOGY THINK OF THE USER, NOT THE BROWSER If you’ve been working on the web for any amount of time, you’ve likely found out (or even used) the term “progressive enhancement” before. It is the gold standard of how to approach web design. But what is progressive enhancement really? What does it mean? How does it work? And how does it fit into our workflow in a time of rapidly evolving languages and browsers?

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Search Engine Marketing Trends for 2013

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedAugust 29, 2013

The hot trends in search engine marketing are AuthorRank, Publisher Authority and Social Media Behavior SEO and Search Marketing in general have both seen many changes in the past 24 months. As a webmaster, digital marketer or tech savvy business owner you are surely familiar with the two major algorithm updates, Panda and Penguin, which Google introduced in 2011 and 2012, respectively. Both of these major changes were not events, but rather the beginning of a new way to rank keywords and websites.

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What to do and what to spend on Digital Marketing

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedAugust 29, 2013

For all companies out there the shift to digital marketing techniques has been like a tsunami. Based on the 5 Findings of a Gartner Report on digital marketing spending and what works in best in the digital marketing mix, we came up with a set of recommendations that can be a guideline for how your company deals with the digital marketing challenges.

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Parallax Scrolling Websites

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedAugust 28, 2013

GRAPHENES IS OUT OF THE GATE It is just a few months ago that we announced the Beta release of our next generation software platform, Graphenes. The development team at WebriQ, has been quite busy in the past two years with crafting one of the most robust Web Content Management Systems and finally, the early adopters have a chance to kick tires as of this last Christmas.

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Parallax 2

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedAugust 27, 2013

In our previous blog, we introduced to you parallax scrolling design technique and gave you some hints on how the industry applies this technology currently: "Many leading brands use it as pivotal element of their online presence and many others jump the bandwagon. In fact too many, in our opinion. Yes, the parallax scrolling technique is great to present the most beautiful face of a brand but it serves not all purposes. Featuring a brand through its graphical artwork, is great for sure but when it comes down to detailed copies and text content that need to speak for the brand, parallax is an overkill.”

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Mobile Web Apps Versus Native Apps

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedAugust 26, 2013

Browser based mobile apps versus native apps. It’s a serious debate about as old as three years. And pretty much since the beginning of that debate, there has been a general underlying current among the Internet community that browser based is good and native is bad. But Native is dominating despite the serious disadvantages, and browser based applications need to do a catch up.

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Optimizing Ecommerce for Tablets and Smartphones

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedAugust 25, 2013

If you're thinking users of Smartphones and tablets do not represent a material part of your eCommerce audience, consider these data points. 29 percent of all U.S. adults own a tablet or e-reader, up from 2 percent three years ago, according to Pew Research.

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Online Visibility and Credibility -> Profitability

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedAugust 24, 2013

Visibility, Credibility, Profitability. Many of us are familiar with this concept as it relates to business networking. Making yourself visible by showing up at networking events and functions is often where it starts. But before we can graduate into the Profitability, we must first build and develop credibility among referral partners, business owners, and consumers. Often, gaining credibility can be a lengthy task and even after it is attained, it is easily lost if you don’t “keep doing what got you there.”

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Brand Strategy for 2014

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedAugust 23, 2013

Grow your brand presence through Web, Mobile Web and Digital Marketing Initiatives. If you want to grow the presence of your brand a minimum effort needs to be done to build a Rich Media Web, Mobile Web and Digital Media presence. Secure all your digital assets and create a brand consistency throughout. Create compelling new content or re-use existing compelling content throughout all your digital media. All your digital media assets should be interconnected and interrelated to increase your online brand presence.

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Content Marketing and the New "SEO"

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedAugust 22, 2013

Content Marketing Institute defines content marketing as, “a marketing technique of creating and distributing relevant and valuable content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience—with the objective of driving profitable customer action.” In layman’s terms, content marketing is a means of providing captive information and media that specifically interests your company’s target audience. In order to use content marketing effectively, you need to investigate your target audience’s likes, interests, activities, behaviors and what they consider valuable information and/or entertainment. This act of profiling your target audience’s behavior, rather then just their demographics, is referred to as defining the ‘Buyer Persona.’

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Google Panda On Search Engine Marketing

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedAugust 21, 2013

Google has confirmed that they released another Panda algorithm update – the 20th update and named to be Panda 20. This Panda update is fairly major impacts of about 2.4% of English search queries in the web and still rolling out.

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Mobile Content Management System (CMS)

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedAugust 20, 2013

A flexible CMS is today’s answer to anyone who asks what they should look for when creating mobile content. Due to the high development speed of mobile technology and changes in user location-based browsing, it’s difficult to predict what the mobile future will bring and what kind of mobile CMS will best fit your needs.

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Objectives of a Web and Social Media Marketing Platform

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedAugust 19, 2013

The overall objectives of a web and social media marketing software platform and services are; Public relation, brand visibility and brand awareness – spread news and important information about your business, brand or products to a broad(er) audience who are likely to share it to their own networks. Brand consistency throughout your online web and social media presence.

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Sports League Tracking Website Software

  • ByPhilippe Bodart
  • PostedAugust 18, 2013

Are you a sport manager, coach, player or a fan? Start tracking the progress of your team with our full fledged Sport Tracker developed especially for sport associations. It supports the most common team sports such as Hockey (both US and European scoring rules), Basketball, Soccer, Football and Baseball.

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